4 Tips To Flood-Proof Your Home
9/10/2019 (Permalink)

Safety Tips For Homeowners To Protect Their Homes
As a homeowner, safeguarding your home against natural disasters is paramount, and flood safety should be a priority. Flooding is not only the most common natural disaster in the U.S., it’s also one of the costliest weather-related disasters. Flooding is estimated to have caused over $260 billion in damage between 1980 and 2013. Homeowners in Arlington Heights, IL, will especially benefit from these safety tips to protect their homes.
1. Reconsider renovations. For example, if your driveway needs to be repaved, consider installing porous paving to help slow down water runoff. If you’re springing for a new lawn, make sure to grade it away from the house so as to direct water flow into the street gutter and not your home.
2. Maintain upkeep. You can flood proof your home by doing simple maintenance upkeep such as checking pipe valves and ensuring gutters are clear to prevent ice dams. Making sure downspouts and drains are not clogged can help with water runoff in the event of a flood, or even heavy rainfall.
3. Prioritize cleanup. Almost as important as protecting your home for flood safety is post-flood follow-up. To avoid water damage and mold, seek water-damage repair experts immediately. You won’t be the only one seeking help after such a natural disaster, so be sure to act early.
4. Reorganize clutter. Move any electronics, expensive rugs and furniture to upper levels if possible. If it’s not, simply raise them off the floor. Elevating major appliances onto sturdy materials such as concrete blocks can be helpful as well. Make sure things such as sockets and switches, as well as circuit breakers, are at least a foot above the estimated flood level for the area.
Make flood safety a key priority when you purchase or renovate a home. Being better prepared for such natural disasters ahead of time will often be more effective than trying to belatedly deal with the aftermath.